
Student receiving community scholarship

GFW Communities are so generous!

Every year, our students and alumni get incredible support from community organizations through local, regional, and national scholarships!

A little effort goes a long way.

This webpage is here to help you to quickly identify which scholarships you want to apply for. It is arranged by due date and will be updated each month to remove options whose due dates have passed. This resource is only for GFW students and you will need to be logged in to a GFW schools email address to access the documents.

Email Ms. Wood or or call Ms. Wood at extension 2292 for additional information and to ask any questions.

All scholarships should be read carefully and follow the instructions completely. They are listed by due date with brief details provided.

If a scholarship application is to be turned into the GFW office and it is a non school day – it will be accepted the following school day until 3 p.m.

*Some scholarships apply to Alumni.

Tips for Students

Remember to start early! Some scholarships require financial information, letters of recommendation, or for you to complete the FAFSA.

What is FAFSA? FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Learn more!

Attend a free virtual FAFSA information session

Watch for deadlines! Does it need to be mailed? Do you need a transcript?

Paper scholarships that are not completed online should be typed if at all possible and neatly printed in black ink where appropriate. On paper applications, print “see attached” on the lines and attach a typed paper to answer the questions.

Do you need a Letter of Recommendation?
When asking someone to write you a letter of recommendation, give the writer PLENTY of time to do your letter justice. Please don’t ask a teacher to write a letter of recommendation without giving them ample time to write it. You may want to fill out a STUDENT BIO to help the writer.

Scholarships are listed BELOW by due date.

Student receiving community scholarship

Scholarship Resources

Scholarships By Month

Click the month to view scholarship opportunities. Scholarships are arranged by due date.

Students at Evening of Excellence ceremony


If you are unable to download or pick up an application in the Office,  Email Ms. Wood and she will email, or mail you what you need.

If a scholarship is due to the Office, and it is a non-school day for any reason, it will be accepted until the end of the following school day.