Kindergarten students really enjoyed learning about different types of fossils like bones, teeth, and shells.

There was so much excitement during the Ag Career and College fair yesterday! Thank you to all of the representatives from local businesses and higher education institutions for meeting with our students and sharing about all the opportunities there are in the agricultural industry.

GFW Public Schools will again be providing students the opportunity to take the ACT during the school day on Thursday, April 27. We will offer the online ACT with writing at the cost of $64. If your student is interested please have them fill out the google form at the link below!

Tomorrow is the Ag Career & College Fair at GFW Middle School and High School! Students will be able to connect with a variety of vendors to learn about local AgriBusiness in our communities as well as local colleges that have post secondary opportunities in the area of Agriculture.
All students are welcome and encouraged to attend during their scheduled time slot:
8:30-9 a.m. - Grade 12
9-9:30 a.m. - Grade 8
9:30-10 a.m. - Grade 11
10-10:30 a.m. - Grade 10
10:30-11 a.m. - Grade 9
11-11:20 a.m. - Grade 11 and 12

Kindergarteners learned about dinosaur fossils in STEAM class today!

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Veterinarian, Dr. Rod Riewer, came to speak to Ms. Houseman’s fifth grade STEM class and Ms. Wood’s eighth grade college and career readiness class. GFW students enjoyed his presentation about being a “cow doctor” and learning about veterinarian careers!

We had great participation at this week's community engagement meeting where members of our community got to learn more about a future-focused school and share their priorities. Thanks to all who attended!

March is “Music in our Schools” month! Students at GFW Elementary have music three to four times per week. In addition to learning all of the basics about music, singing, and dancing, they get the opportunity to play recorder, ukulele, bells, percussion instruments and spend time in our piano keyboard lab.

In STEAM Class last week, Noah built a table and chairs. Alex and Dawson built a tower and when creating the roof they watched for spots where the tower was weak and supported it throughout the whole process. It was quite the balancing act!

Mr. Werner stopped by Ms. Houseman’s 5th Grade STEM class last week to explore how technology has changed and what changes could come in the future due to motivated students like them.
Film strips, floppy disks, Speak & Spells, vintage Technology magazines, and discussions about Christa McCaullife and the Space Shuttle program were all topics of discussion. Students watched Archival footage of Ronald Reagan’s address to the nation after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster where he stated, “The future doesn’t belong to the faint hearted; it belongs to the brave.”

GFW Elementary Students created some amazing art in after school enrichment classes!

Congratulations to the students at GFW Elementary for reading throughout the month of February and raising $11,700 for their school!
To celebrate their achievement last week, Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Goodall ate a mashed potato concoction created by students. The bowl contained mashed potatoes, sardines, oysters, ketchup, mustard, horseradish, chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup, sour patch kids, peanut butter, sprinkles, and a cherry on top. A drawing had Mr. Goodall taking three bites of the concoction and Mrs. Thompson taking four bites.

Eighth grade students got to hear some words of wisdom from Mr. Werner during College and Career Readiness class!

There's lots of learning and creating going on at GFW Elementary School thanks to enrichment classes. What was your student's favorite project?

Students at GFW Elementary have been learning new skills and creating amazing things during their after school enrichment classes!

Students in Culinary II class at GFW High School are learning new skills and tasting the results of their hard work. These photos suggest that panini day was a success!

FFA hosted a breakfast this morning for staff at GFW Middle School and High School!

The Celebrate Reading activities at GFW Elementary may be wrapping up, but it's always a good time to get excited about a great book!

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